Healer Training: Learn About the Six Types of Spiritual Healers
Learn About the Six Types of Spiritual Healers & How they Evolve Over Time I truly believe that everyone is a healer. To the extent that...

How to Set Strong and Healthy Boundaries with Others
I had several telephone sessions this week and it occured to me that in over 90% of my telephone sessions with clients that three issues...

Infographic: How to Play Nicely with Others
I have been helping clients for over 15 years and one of the most important areas that comes up over and over again is healing for...

Things I Wish I had Learned BEFORE I Began Working with Other People
I have been working in the spiritual healing field for over ten years now. And it has been a wild, crazy and at times wacky adventure. I...

Pitfalls on the Spiritual Path
I have been on the spiritual path for almost twenty years and it has been a lot like Simon Says! You take one leap forward and two baby...

How to Handle Difficult People: Spiritual Teacher or Downright Toxic?
I was talking to a healer buddy of mine for over an hour today and it was such an interesting conversation that I felt inspired to create...

Dancing with Whatever Comes to Your Door
When I lived in Denver years ago, I belonged to the Crimson Circle (www.crimsoncircle.com) and I would go each month to hear channeled...
Why do Healers and Spiritual People Struggle so Much with Money?
I find it very ironic that so many people I know on the spiritual path often struggle so much with money. I feel in many ways that it is...

Your Life is Your Path. Your Life is Your Answer.
I have been on the spiritual path for over twenty years now. And when I began out on the path many years ago, I explored every New Age...

Welcome to the Angelic Spa
Several years ago, I co-created this lovely Angelic Spa guided meditation with Archangels Michael, Raphael, Zadkiel, Sandalphon, Ariel...