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Enhance the Quality of Your Life by Taking Yourself OFF of Auto Pilot

When spiritual teachers talk about humanity being asleep, I feel that they are talking about the fact that most of humanity is unaware of the energetic dynamics of this world. Most people live unconsciously as if they were operating on auto pilot all of the time.

We are energetic beings who are impacted by the energy of the people, places, things and events we participate in. Empaths and other sensitive people are more aware of this because they feel it but this is true for everyone.

You can enhance the quality of every aspect of your life by becoming more aware of how you are impacted energetically by the people you hang out with and the things you do and the places you visit. There are only three ways that energy influences us:

Neutral where our personal energy level remains the same when we are with someone or doing something.

Positive where our personal energy level increases when we are with someone or doing something. We are positively impacted by energy when time flies and our heart opens and expands.

Negative where our personal energy level plummets when we are with someone or doing something. We are negatively impacted by energy when we feel drained and our heart closes and contracts.

To create a life that works and supports you on all levels:

A lot of people drain themselves energetically because they hang out with people who lower their natural vibration, work in jobs doing things that do not reflect their core essence or live and work in locations that are not healthy for them.

A lot of people are not authentic in that they are living a life that does not express who they truly are and often this leads to feeling burned out, depleted, emotionally numb and disconnected. When you are true to yourself, you naturally gravitate toward the people, events, activities and locations that have a positive impact on you energetically.

I challenge each of you to create a log for a week where you record every two hours what you are doing, who are meeting with, where you are and how you feel for a week. The more aware you become of the underlying energetic dynamics of your life, you will begin to make wiser choices and enhance your energy level. As your energy level rises, the law of attraction kicks in to bring better things to you and you begin to move into the upward spiral.

About Spiritual Healer Bill Austin:

Bill Austin is an energy healing facilitator, spiritual teacher, artist, writer and visionary living in St Petersburg, Florida in the United States. Bill specializes in distance healing, spiritual growth, healing art and healer training. He is the founder of several Reiki and other energy healing modalities. He has trained healers in over sixteen countries and has helped people from all over the world to heal, grow, expand and realize more of their full potential. Bill infuses healing and enlightenment energies into healing art images and has created a line of self help books. You can click on this link to download a free healing ebook called: Vibrational Color Healing Art. He offers a number of free energy healing resources on the web site


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Bill Austin

Products From

Bill Austin


Please note that our energy healing books, products, sessions & services are not meant to be medical or psychiatric treatment nor replace such treatment. All healing that occurs in any session comes from your soul. Bill merely facilitates this process & holds a space for healing to occur. Bill Austin occasionally recommends books that he enjoys but he is an affiliate with Amazon. 


Bill Austin, Healing Holograms, Inc

Post Office Box 1178, Tarpon Springs, FL  34688.

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